Automated ticket routing connects customers with the agent best equipped to handle their issue, increasing the likelihood of a first contact resolution. Ticket routing strategies also help support teams stay organized and provide high-quality customer service. Triggers are business rules that are automatically executed in response to certain events that have occurred on a given ticket. For example, let's say you want to send an automatic email to a customer when you've resolved their issue. To do this, you create a .
Strigger. Triggers are also very useful for streamlining your help desk workflow. Your Zendesk account Lebanon Phone Number Data includes predefined triggers that allow you to immediately engage with your end users. Here's what to do to get started:Under the Manage > Triggers & Mail Notifications tab, you will find the list of triggers below. Please note that you can edit any outgoing mail notification by selecting "Edit" for any trigger. Even if you don't intend to edit the notifications, it's a good idea to click "edit" on some of them to get an idea .
Sof how the triggers work. To learn more about triggers, check out this article on our support forums. The list of triggers below can be divided into 5 different help desk actions. It's great to be able to put a ticket on hold, but I'm sure you've been upset by tickets sitting at this point for too long. You could of course create an automation to change the ticket status to "Open" after X days, but things are not that simple. And maybe you don't even really want to change the status of the ticket, just to be reminded that the .