The and results in a new idea or action that has Value. For a product or service to be Creative it must have three elements like this That people like it Make it practical That it is original and new that it is not on the market. According to studies cited by Estanislao Bachrach in his book Agilmente we have an average of 68 thousand thoughts a day and 95 of those thoughts are the same. As children we are more creative because the ideas have not yet been adapted.
Creativity can be killed when A. They force us to Define B. When we have to Label C. When we segregate things. The Brain does not like new things because it is afraid of it the USA Phone Number List brain loves to rest the brain prefers what is known that is why leaving the comfort zone costs us so much because when we reach the danger zone the brain spends more. energy and it does not like this and that is when the mind comes into play the mind must have the ability to break paradigms and force the brain to look for new paths new ways of doing things and that is where creativity is achieved. What uses a lot of energy in the brain 1. Understand 2. Memoriz Remember.
Nhibit information Make decisions. We do not see with the eyes we see with the Brain one decides what one wants to see. What are the enemies of Creativity 1. Certainty This makes us not think beyond our environment. Experience Those who have experience refuse to learn new things. 3. Culture This does not allow us to experience new things nor seek new paths. Social networks cell phones and mobile devices are as addictive for the brain as Cocaine because they activate a zone of promise of pleasure Exercises to make your Brain more Productive 1. Play sports 2. Listen to Music 3. Write and tell stories Relaxation yoga.