Choose between studying full time or part time. For example, a one year course. Several of our students take advantage of this opportunity, which makes it possible to combine studies with work and family life. If it is not suitable to start studying in the autumn, we have a new study start for online students in January. Then you have the same time as everyone else to read, meet work requirements and be ready for the exam before the summer.
A dictatorship mirrors itself Paradoxically, the country that is primarily responsible for the moible number data Coronavirus pandemic is now trying to use the apparent success in containing the virus in the Wuhan region to promote its societal model. Despite the classic totalitarian reflex at the start of the disaster Suppression of the truth. The post is an updated version of the post in Aftenposten on April . Published in Bernt s blog by Bernt Hagtvet Tuesday April , last updated Monday March.
China is acting more and more actively in international politics vis à vis Taiwan, vis à vis Hong Kong and now vis à vis a Swedish citizen who had a bookstore in Hong Kong with books that the regime could not stand. He has disappeared. Part of this pattern is China s propaganda offensive after the Corona disaster. Beijing is trying to take advantage of the calamities by sending infection control equipment and doctors to affected countries in Europe after the pandemic may have stopped. Everyone is happy for such support, but the real question now is when will Beijing shut down the live animal markets that have repeatedly given rise to epidemics.