With the administrator or owner of another channel or bot. In order to attract traffic to a Telegram channel effectively, you need to take into account the topics of communities, analyze the audience as far as possible, compose advertising posts according to all the rules of marketing: grab attention, arouse interest, provide benefits and call for action - switching to your channel. Contacts for advertisers in the Telegram group Contacts for advertisers in the Telegram group It is also important that your Telegram channel is ready to receive traffic. Be sure to take into account the recommendations for channel design from the article How to set up a channel in Telegram instructions.
External target Advertising for your Telegram channel can be launched not only in the messenger, but also on other platforms. For example, you can use VKontakte advertising tools and run an ad with a link to Telegram. However, driving traffic to Telegram this way can be Web Development Services much more expensive than from messenger to messenger. Targeting can be made more effective through more precise audience settings and campaign control during the process. Mutual PR in Telegram This is the same advertising, only relatively free - you can negotiate with the owners of other channels with a comparable audience about mutual integrations.
To do this, find channels on similar or related topics and agree with the administrators on the conditions. It will be better if the posts are not published on the same day - otherwise mutual PR will be too obvious, and this may confuse the new audience. You can search in chats, channel directories and communities, for example, in the VK group “Telegram VP Mutual PRPromotion, Channels." Example of a proposal for mutual PR Example of a proposal for mutual PR To have more traffic and have it be targeted, try to find channels for mutual PR with a suitable audience that could potentially be interested in your topic.