本帖最後由 seobanglade9 於 2024-1-31 17:24 編輯
Impactful, whether they are measured in direct profit or in leads. invest in SEO in 2020 4Case Study To better understand the processes behind a Keyword Research and to check what percentage of ROI (Return of Investment) derives from the implementation of an SEO strategy, we will exemplify through a case study. Let's say your business is a garden supply store. Because it brings you the highest profit, the product you want to focus on promoting is the lawnmower. The first step you need to take is to check in a Keyword
Planner how many searches there are monthly for this structure: "lawn mower"., depending Special Data on the place the site occupies in search engines, we will calculate an average level of ROI brought by SEO optimization on this phrase. invest in SEO in 2020 3 If the site occupies the first position, we estimate a minimum level of 35% of the traffic, related, in this case, to an average number of 1,275 monthly searches. We reach 446 clicks on our website. Considering that the conversion rate is 0.01%, we estimate that there will be between 4-5 customers/month (*4.46 to be exact) brought in by optimizing this word.

If a lawnmower is worth 1,500 lei, the average monthly income will be 6,750 lei. Applying the same reasoning, we get a number of 2-3 (*2.42) sales brought to a site that occupies the second position and 1 (*1.14) customer for the third result. Did I choose the most profitable keyword? Although we are tempted to check the exact name of the product, the results do not always reflect the true potential. In the present case, we will note that Romanians most frequently search for the same item under the name "lawn mower". We will therefore carry out an analysis for this keyword as well. invest in SEO in 2020 2 The.