Ichange the agenda and help them to identify the right kind of market. Strategic marketing is about connecting the right products to the right people. It’s about the whole organisation of the business. It’s very different from trying to sell everything to everybody. It’s about being selective and ultimately aligning the whole business around the needs of selected customers – and I do say ‘selected’ customers. Strategic marketing is about choosing the right customers because not all customers are good customers. Some of them are more trouble than they’re worth. Some are not profitable. Some won’t pay and some will give you a nervous breakdown, so we need to choose customers carefully.
And marketing strategy is also based on understanding your competitive advantage, how you are different than your rivals, your competitors, what you can do that they can’t, and as an artist friend of mine says: “Your difference is your strength.” So we’re looking for that strategic fit, Austria WhatsApp Number that connection between the right products and the right customers. By being authentic in marketing it forces you to be strategic. Authenticity creates strategy. Because if you are open and honest about your products, their strengths, their weaknesses, yourself, your business, don’t try to hide anything, just say it as it is, two things happen. Some people run away. Some people clear off. They keep their distance,

but they are the wrong customers so that’s a good thing actually. And at the same time by being authentic you attract even more strongly the right kind of customers, the customers who are truly on your wavelength, who truly value what you do. And so authenticity works both ways, and as I wrote in a blog, “We can simultaneously alienate and embrace customers.” In conclusion I would say that marketing fails when it is based on illusion. It fails the business. It fails the customer. Bad marketing is ‘all mouth and no trousers.’ Bad marketing is a ‘paper tiger’. In contrast and to finish on a positive note, authentic marketing is not a paper tiger. Authentic marketing is power without illusion, and so I recommend to you authentic marketing. I