Front of the text, back of the artworkcool t-shirt design inspirationDesign by Sribu freelancer, Rafs_2401Like several previous examples, this design places a minimalist design on the front of the t-shirt.However, designers don't just place logos, but use text that is relevant to the artwork on the back.This creates a design that overall "gets together", making it look more artistic.11. Full design in pattern formsports , dasandriaNext, you can create a design in the form of a pattern on all sides of the t-shirt.
Usually called a full print t-shirt design, a design like this can create a sporty and unique Shandong Mobile Number List impression. Full print uniform designfull print shirt designDesign by Sribu freelancer, zakizainulFor t-shirts or shirts that are used as uniforms for a team/company/organization, a full print design can also be an effective choice.A design like this will give a strong impression of uniformity among everyone who wears it, so it is suitable for this purpose.ClosingIf you need help in creating a cool front and back t-shirt design, you can try using professional t-shirt design services from Sribu.

With this service, you will get an original and unique design that can attract the attention of customers & anyone who sees it.Also visit Sribu to see the other professional services we offer.In closing, don't forget to subscribe to the Sribu Blog and follow the Sribu Instagram account so you don't miss other interesting information related to the world of digital marketing, SEO and the latest market trends.See you in the next article & happy working!20 Examples of Simple and Elegant Logos that are Effective for BrandingGiap LuwenaPosted byGiap LuwenaAugust .