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The use of AI in higher education is now a reality, and even anecessity, as it will transform the ways institutions teach and how studentslearn. In fact, an IDC report found that percent of U.S. higher educationinstitutions believe AI will be key to driving competitiveness in the next fewyears. While there are huge opportunities to use AI to improve efficiencies anddrive student success, there’s a flip side to the technology. It also poses newacademic, ethical, and legal chall Cameroon Phone Number List enges that need to be considered. So, how arethird-level institutions using AI to rise above the competition and leverage itto drive student success? In this blog, we’ll look at great ways plus real-lifeexamples to help you understand the potential of the technology to: Assess andPredict Student Success Drive Personalized Learning Boost Student EngagementAnswer Student Inquiries Improve Student Retention Assess & Predict StudentSuccess The ultimate goal of universities and colleges is to see studentsgraduate with relevant skills that make them employable. That’s why being ableto assess and predict the success of a student is so important. If a student isstruggling or falling behind, technology that can help to intervene at an earlystage can change the outcome for that person and also reduce the number ofnon-graduates at an institution.

Ivy Tech Community College: ProjectStudent Success In Indiana, Ivy a pilot studyusing AI to get data from ,-course sections. By identifying , students at riskof failing in the first two weeks of the semester, the college assignedoutreach workers to call each student and offer support. By the end of thesemester, , students were saved from failing –of the contacted studentsobtained a C grade or better. Through Project Student Success, the college hasalready assisted , students. We had the largest percentage drop in bad gradesDs and Fs that the college had recorded in fifty years,said Lige Hensley, ChiefTechnology Officer, Ivy Tech