material. Remember, creativity is at the core ofgood content! Creativity does not just mean finding the right words for yourcontent but using channels in unique ways and unique ways to take advantage ofall the resources at your disposal. Updated 2023 Use Content to Drive Awareness& Leads Content marketing is an effective way to attract and influenceprospects and customers. DMI's short Content Marketing certification covers thekey areas in content marketing to help you develop a voice and build a brand.You will learn about personas and SEO strategy, creativity and storytelling,channel promotion and collaboration, how to measure performance and much more.Enroll today to become a content guru.Best Examples of AI in MarketingArticlesDigital
Management and Leadership Written by Dan Hughes Thewidespread adoption Japan WhatsApp Number List of artificial intelligence (AI) was once considered afar-fetched notion dreamed up in sci-fi stories, but it’s now a living,breathing part of our everyday reality. While AI has been proven to enhance ourdaily consumer lives—with the adoption of autonomous vehicle technology,fitness devices, voice assistants, and smartphones—it has also served toimprove the digital marketing efforts of businesses across many industries.Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT, for example, has already made asignificant impact in the digital marketing arena, with its innate ability toproduce targeted AI-powered content on an ever-expanding range of subjects.
widespread AI is in our current landscape. To putthis notion into perspective, here we explore some quite different but equallyinspiring uses of AI in digital marketing. AI Social Media Examples AIMarketing Automation Examples AI Digital Advertising Examples AI DigitalMarketing Examples AI Social Media Examples Sephora’s AI chatbot-poweredshopping service Sephora screenshot Sephora screenshot Understanding the powerof AI early on, cosmetics brand Sephora has been using chatbot technology tooffer its audience the most personalized, informational customer experiencepossible. After conducting consumer research, the brand realized that manycustomers were overwhelmed by Sephora’s extensive choice of products, having tobrowse through