Most respondents (74%) want to continue using telehealthwith the same or higher frequency, which could be a positive sign for thefuture of digital health in Canada. Although 65% of patients who used thisservice say that their health problem was resolved during their virtualconsultation, telemedicine attracts criticism. In fact, 16% of telemedicineusers surveyed do not wish to continue using it. For most of them, this is dueto the absence of a physical examination (40%) and the fact that they feel morecomfortable in front of their doctor (51%). Video services can ease concernsabout telemedicine in Canada The disadvantages of telemedicine mentioned aboverelate to the technology used to arrange telemedical appointments. Medicalrecords constitute sensitive data and some patients may not feel comfortablesharing or other chat software . Despitetheir concerns about face-to-face consultations, only 14% of telemedicine userssurveyed used a medical
videoconferencing application. The majority of userssurveyed (76%) consult their Bulgaria Mobile Number List doctor by telephone. The use of technologies toreplicate the traditional medical visit, such as videoconferencing software ,could alleviate the main concerns expressed by telemedicine users. In Canada,30% of people we surveyed said video consultations would encourage them toconsult more often. Canadians value teleconsultation because it saves them timeCanadians have also found many benefits to telemedicine, most
related to its convenience. 57% of telemedicine userssurveyed were happy with having to wait less time to get an appointment, while47% appreciated the fact that there was less waiting time overall compared tophysical visits. In fact, 38% of respondents chose telemedicine for itsconvenience and time savings compared to an in-person appointment. Given thedifficulties people in rural and northern communities face in accessing healthprofessionals , the convenience of virtual consultations could well transformhealth care for certain populations. 34% of respondents said they need a car toget to their nearest healthcare provider, which could impact their rating ofthe convenience of telemedicine. Patients also had other reasons to try digitalhealth