but the syntax (computer language) is quite simple. We'll get into those details later. In this article, we will see: Why robots.txt files are important How robots.txt files work How to create a robots.txt file Best practices for a robots.txt file Why is the robots.txt file important? A robots.txt file helps manage the activities of web crawlers so that they do not overload your website or index pages that are not intended for public view. Here are some reasons why you can use a robots.txt file.
Optimize the crawl budget that Google will crawl on your Middle East Mobile Number List site at a given time. This number may vary depending on the size, health, and backlinks of your site. The crawl budget is important because if the number of pages exceeds the crawl budget of your site, some pages on your site will not be indexed. And pages that are not indexed will not rank for any keywords. If you block unnecessary pages using robots.txt, Googlebot (Google's crawler) can devote more of your crawl budget to important pages.

Block duplicate and non-public pages There is no need to allow search engines to crawl every page on your site because not all of them need to be ranked. This is the case, for example, of a staging site (identical replica of your website), internal search results pages, duplicate pages or login pages. WordPress, for example, automatically disallows /wp-admin/ from all crawlers.Googlebot-Image . If the Googlebot-News user agent crawls your site, it will follow Googlebot directives. In contrast, the Googlebot-Image user agent will follow the more specific directives of Googlebot-Image .