From a biological point of view, gestures, facial expressions, and movements in humans are innate in nature and serve as a signal for receiving a response to them. The natural origin of non-verbal language of communication between individuals is confirmed by elements that are not controlled by a person on a subconscious level: redness and blanching of the skin; dilated pupils; curvature of the lips; rapid blinking. Find out which IT professions are in the TOP with income starting from , ₽month The GeekBrains team, together with international career development specialists, has prepared materials that will help you get started on the path to your dream profession.
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mb doc .mb Already downloaded pdf icon From the point of view of intentional and unintentional communication, three main means of nonverbal communication can be distinguished: behavioral factors (expressed by the physiological reaction of the human body: increased sweating and rapid heartbeat when excited, trembling from a feeling of cold); unintentional means of communication (formed on the basis of human habits: twirling a lock of hair around a finger, scratching the chin, swinging one’s legs); communication signals (transmit information about an event, state or object). In the system of nonverbal communication means, there are unified, known and understandable signals that are characteristic of certain cultures.