Were any moments during the ordering process that made you feel tired or disappointed, what exactly were they? These are the elements of the checkout process that you will want to remove. An example of a simple checkout process that actually follows the golden rule of “five steps maximum” would be: Require client name Require email address Require a physical address (only if necessary for delivery of a physical item) (ensure PCI-DSS compliance) 2 – Do not require account creation. Don't require customers to create an account on your site in order to buy from you. Make this an option if you want, but always have a guest payment option as well. In the case of a guest checkout, no additional information is required from the customer as if he were creating an
account. 3 – Offer different payment options The challenge here is to provide the customer with more than one payment option while maintaining simplicity. Don't overload your checkout page with too many payment Hong Kong Phone Number options. Instead, give customers options but limit them to the essentials, such as a credit or debit card, mobile payments, or PayPal address. This covers the basics for most clients. Image Source 4. Make sure there are no glitches on the checkout page. Your checkout page, in addition to being simple, should also work smoothly, without delays or glitches that may be associated with its problems. The best way to test this is to use the checkout page yourself (make sure you have a strong internet connection so you can't attribute the problem to a Wi-Fi issue) and see how it works. If you

experience any delays during the checkout process, please contact a professional developer to investigate the issue. You can hire experienced freelance developers for around $40 per hour or less , which will be significantly cheaper than going through a firm or agency. 5. Make sure your customers are aware of your security measures. As discussed earlier, each and every payment method on your website must be PCI-DSS certified. Make sure customers are aware of this by having small but readable font indicating that your payment options are PCI certified.