The most important content at the top. Superior content formatting with lists, emphasis, paragraphs, and more Providing useful resources to help readers learn more Match with the user's context. For example, when targeting multiple countries, the ability to convert languages and currencies becomes important. The same goes for appropriate dates, times, numerical units, etc. great accessibility Here's another article about usability. 3 ways to improve website usability 7 Reasons Accessibility Boosts SEO and Sales mobile friendly No matter what device your users are using, you need them to be able to use your website effectively. In many cases, responsive support is the best solution. It should be designed from a mobile design perspective. If you get the mobile design right, it will be easier to adapt to the desktop version. Many articles have already been written on this topic, so I'll just point you to some useful resources here. The first step to mobile SEO Mobilegeddon: The Complete Guide to Google's Mobile-Friendly Updates Google's Mobile Friendly Documentation Google's mobile-friendly testing tool is also very useful.
If you haven't used it yet, please check it out right away. Bottom line: Deliver a great user experience and win SEO Today, UX and SEO can share their purpose. So if you focus on continuing to provide a great user experience, you'll naturally see SEO wins . In order to deliver an excellent user experience, it Belgium Phone Number Data is important to quickly provide answers that satisfy users and build a website that is easy to use. If you keep this in mind and continue to provide the best user experience, you will see great results in your SEO. This article is a translation of " How to Win at SEO Through Great UX Today & Beyond " published in Search Engine Journal .
In the past, SEO and user experience were often talked about in completely different contexts, and I don't think it was even possible to imagine that they both shared the same purpose. However, I think they were clearly in the minority). Nowadays, it has become rare to exclude user experience when talking about SEO. As search engines evolve and user preferences and behavior change, it's important to optimize your skills as an SEO professional.