their CX teams this year to build customer loyalty. Thepressure doesn't just come from the top: 61% of customers say they will turnaway from a company after just one bad experience. Nearly 3 in 4 businessleaders plan to prioritize AI in their customer experiences this year,according to Zendesk research. Economic uncertainty is a powerful incentive topromote agility within your business, but the resulting benefits will have alasting impact. There's a reason why nearly three in four business leaders planto prioritize AI in their customer experiences this year.
AI enables teams todeliver consistently great customer experiences, regardless of their Chinese Malaysia Phone Number List currentchallenges, whether it's a tight budget or just the day-to-day pressure ofrunning a business. Optimize your CX without increasing your workforce It'shard enough to meet customer expectations without the added constraint of areduced budget. into a lowerquality experience. AI helps extend the reach and impact of
your existing team by enabling: Automate responses to commoncustomer issues Sort and route customers to the right agent each time Free upagents to focus on higher value tasks To create richer and more caringexperiences Optimize the use of help center resources Whether you're speaking to100 people or 100,000, AI allows you to operate at scale and deliver the kindof experiences that keep customers coming back, while controlling costs. Wefound that 68% of business leaders expect AI to deliver significant costsavings in the coming years. That's as much money as you could use elsewhere,if and when you need it. Although it may seem counterintuitive, automation,when implemented correctly, helps build better relationships with customers.Not