本帖最後由 fahimfoysal04 於 2024-3-10 17:37 編輯
To communicate about promotions, new products, etc. Finally, they allow you to be close to your customers, in particular thanks to comments and private messages. Axis No. 3 for successful e-commerce: encouraging purchases Have you managed to make your e-commerce site visible? Alright. The last step for the success of your online store is to close numerous sales. Offering interesting products for your target audience is one thing. But you have to encourage them to buy from you, and not from a competitor.
Write product sheets The product Cambodia WhatsApp Number Data sheet is its description. Many sites just write a few words about it, but that's not enough. To create a successful product sheet , you must: Describe the use of the product; Praise its merits, make people want to buy it; Inform about the maintenance and possible dangers of the product; As a result, a complete product sheet can hardly be less than 100 words. Afterwards, it all depends on the product. The form of a table will certainly be longer than that of a computer mouse.

Publish an FAQ Frequently Asked Questions are often appreciated by Internet users. They can have the answer to their questions at a glance. Payment method, delivery time, refunds... This is significant added value for your e-commerce. It also reassures the Internet user. Show customer reviews Here’s something else that reassures the customer: reviews. They prove that your previous customers were happy with your products, and with your store in general.