Web Call Back is often associated with Click to Call. However, they are two different tools. Indeed, Web Call Back is a Call To Action (CTA) which allows the customer to set an appointment to be called back by an advisor, while Click to Call is a call button which allows them to enter directly contact customer service for assistance.
So, if these two tools do not meet the same objective, they are nevertheless complementary and both help to improve customer relations. What are the benefits for your customer relations? Web Belize WhatsApp Number customer relations. In particular, it allows you to: Simplify access to the service With this call button, your customers no longer need to go through a premium rate number or wait for hours to get an advisor on the phone.

Indeed, thanks to this tool, your customers, having fixed their appointment in advance, are certain that an advisor will be available to answer them. In this way, you calm exchanges between your customers and your agents, and improve their experience and satisfaction. Consumers today need recognition and uniqueness. In this sense, both Internet users and your customers want to be able to contact your customer service quickly, easily and efficiently.